We understand the impact of road trauma on the community and that is why we have sponsored the Shine a Light on Road Safety Walk at Albert Park on 7 May 2023.
Members of our team will head down to Melbourne to support the Amber Community event and we encourage you to get involved too.
This year, the event is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The walk raises funds to support the Amber Community who are a non-for-profit organisation providing counselling and support to people affected by road trauma. The Amber Community also provides education to address attitudes and behaviours of road users.
To "Be part of an understanding community - walking together to support each other, honour loved ones lost and injured, and advocate for road safety" register to join the walk here
The walk is sure to be a fun family day with food trucks (yum) and entertainment.
We are excited, get on board and support this wonderful organisation who do great things to support road trauma.
If you can't make it to the walk, you can donate to this cause by clicking here
Thank you!